The Hottest Wedding Trend of 1966 Was SPACE BRIDES

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In 1966, America was enraptured with the Space Race. Futurism crept into every corner of the culture—cars, movies, interior design. And also, as evidenced by this vintage footage, bridal fashion.

There’s no sound, so you should really queue up “Space Oddity” to accompany this amazing video from the AP Archive. Only David Bowie properly matches the vibe of these far-out looks.

Plus, there’s much more where this video came from. Variety says that the Associated Press is putting more than 550,000 videos on YouTube, at both British Movietone and AP Archive. That means footage going all the way back to 1895. That means coverage of major events like the San Francisco Earthquake and V.E. Day, sure, but also this 3+ minute collection of miniskirt b-roll, without sound or commentary. Just a photographer capturing miniskirt after miniskirt, roaming free on the London streets.

Oh, and here’s some silent pancake eating. Enjoy your pancakes, space babes!

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